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The What :
A mystical winged creature, the size of a wolf, with legs of a lion and head of an eagle, from which eyes flashes fire. These are the Griffins - Gold keepers in the land stretching from Arimaspsian to the Hyperboreain territories .
Arimasps lived in the northern parts of Scythia, whose land stretched all way to the Ural and Altay in Southern Siberia.
Altay is the Russian version of the ''Shambhala" described by various cultures across the world.
Russians also call this place ' БЕЛОВОДьЕ ' The land of ' бЕЛЫЙ ' (white) magis.
It is sometimes associated with ИРИЙ - Ancient Slavic paradise ( ДРЕВНЕCДАВЯНCКИМ РАЕМ )
ИРИЙ = Iriy (english) is a mythical place in Slavic mythology where "birds fly for the winter and souls go after death"
In the ancient H'Aryan language there is a Rune - ИРИЙ , which literally means =clean white water. Which is bringing us to ' БЕЛОВОДьЕ ' , Synonymous for Altay.
БЕЛОВОДьЕ = бЕЛЫЙ (white) + ВОДьЕ (water) = White Water.
The How :
Perun Vedas starts with the word ' Iriy ' ( ИРИЙ )
Perun Vedas (Perun's Book of Wisdom)
Santee 1, cycle 1
"1. In the city of Gods, in Asgard Irijsky" ..
Speaking about shamanism, it is believed that in Altay there are strong powers present that can heal and even transform a human, and it is said there is a thin line to see beyond this veil - real(m) - world.
According to one legend, in Beluha, at the top of the Altay mountains, the heart of goddess Umaj is ticking, and there is a central force and light of Altay. From that place bliss is stretching to the surrounding rocks, plants, water and fruits that comes to the men.
It is believed that everyone has their own individual path leading to the Altay, and only the initiated is allowed to approach.
The path is sometimes described in 5 rules, that is you must fulfill all 5 attributes :
The Why :
Therefore the Etymological origins of Paradise - Ra - Noosfera combine together , ' Iriy ' ( ИРИЙ ) + RA-y (РАЙ) + Noosphere ( Ноосфера ) to form IRAYSFERA, our Organisation which stewards the Litho-Bio-Noospheric Consciousness by finding solutions that are integral to wholistic life of meaning.
The Psychosensory realm of Organic consciousness, the Moral Psychic Imaginary unseen realm through Telepathy (Aether), The Phenomenological Etherical realm of the cosmos Unified by the Synchronic Order of Time.
A bridging of the Galactic Karmic Field of Pre-conscious Influence to Solar Prophetic Field of Sublimal Conscious Influence through the Synthesis of the Three Kingdoms, The Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdom by Determining all degrees to Intellectual | Subtle Energy Hierarchisation by Domain of distincitive Manifestation : A RETURN OF MAN TO PRINCIPLE.